本日:count up14
〒224-0023 横浜市都筑区東山田2-9-1 (TEL) 045-594-5107 (FAX) 045-590-3780 (E-mail)y2h-yama@edu.city.yokohama.jp


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His So Sweet Voice
 I first met the flute when I was five years old. I fell in love with “him” at
the first sight. But I only remembered that “he” had a so sweet voice. I
have the memory, I grow up…
 I became a member of the brass band club, because I wanted to play “him”. And I took an audition to be selected for the flute member. I passed it. I was very happy. I began a fight to make ‘his better voice’ and make ‘my better voice’.
 I had a lot of rivals in the brass band club. They liked music very much and they loved their musical instruments. I liked them. Because they always   
 practiced their musical instruments with eagerness. And I practiced hard
with “him” in order not to lose them, and myself…
 I was given many memories by “him”. The memories became my valuable    treasure. I will play “him”. And I won’t forget the memories, well, I will never be able to forget them…
 I know that “he” has so sweet voice. And I believe that “he” makes many people moved. So I can make many people moved with “him”.
 I have a dream. It is to tell my message with ‘his voice’. I have many
message for people in the world. Because there are a lot of war and people
suffering from hunger. I want to help them and my world.
 I believe that people can feel music’s charm. So I think that I can tell
people my message.
 I want to play “him” very well. And I want to tell people my massage. For   my world. For myself.
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