本日:count up187


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Class 1-F Welcome to IF

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Our school is in Aichi, Japan. It is 69 years old. We have about 500 students and about 40 teachers.
We are in 1F. We have 28 members. The boys are very active. The girls are very kind. We also have medaka and shrimp in our
classroom. Our homeroom teacher loves living things.
We can enjoy everything together. This is a picture of our field trip. We played on the athletic field. We cooked curry and rice. We
watched a movie in the bus. After these events, our homeroom
teacher makes many pictures and puts them on the wall in our
We are always happy in this class.

Class 1-E Field Trip

We went to “Minamichita Green Valley” on November 12. We went by bus.
We got to Minamichita Green Valley at about ten o’clock. At first,
we played on the athletic field. After that, we cooked curry and rice together. Each student had his or her job. For example, making
fire, washing rice, cutting vegetables, and so on. Cooking was not
easy, but it was very interesting. This is the picture of that. Some
students got “curry-master prize”. Some students said,
“Our curry is too watery”.
We talked a lot in the bus. It was also fun. We had a very nice day. I love 1-E.

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2/15 1・2年5期テスト(1日目) 3年バイキング給食
2/16 1・2年5期テスト(2日目) 3年奉仕活動 アルミ缶回収日
2/17 1・2年5期テスト(3日目) 第2回学校保健委員会
2/18 3年生を送る会リハーサル(体育館)
2/20 あいさつ運動・通学指導 朝の会 公立推薦出願(午後) 2年移動図書館(〜24) 前期生徒会役員選挙公示
2/21 あいさつ運動 3年卒業式練習 公立一般出願